mercredi 17 juillet 2013

Crazy stock markets while Valls sends Roma children sleeping on the sidewalks of Le Havre. an article by Yanick Toutain on Mediapart-blogs

Crazy stock markets while Valls sends Roma children sleeping on the sidewalks of Le Havre

I watched last night - up to three hours - and for 6 h delusional yoyos the Nikkei (Japan). More crazy late in the session.
I am currently studying the evolution of stock markets. I expect a # 2008again:
Looking at the huge sales-purchases that made up down on the index (every 10 seconds), I was having a discussion:
I was observing a psychiatric hospital full of dangerous lunatics.
The most dangerous of them have validated JPMorgan's reports  preparing the establishment of a dictatorship in Europe and a 4th Reich.
Yesterday at 6am, Roma children were thrown by Valls socialofascist minister in the streets of Le Havre.
Adults and children Roma are treated as Jews in 1933 by neo-fascists!
After Lille, here we go again.
In September 2012, the young Antonio - he was not yet 6 year old - slept on a sidewalk at night and learned to read in school during the day.
They accustomed the French police to be as barbaric and devoid of humanity that the Nazi Gestapo. It is a training.
Meanwhile the #NOAS the new OAS- a fascist network trying to perpetuate slavery Bolloré in Africa - infiltrates the courts, built neo-Nazis networks to make crazy jurisprudence that aims to destroy the evidences, they prevent political debate on behalf of privacy, they prohibit writing the name of the author of a coup in newspapers (his nationality, day of birth official CV etc) and they order to pay big bucks to turn journalists and bloggers as homeless.
It is urgent that the revolution put under arrest all these miserable dangerous lunatics!
Corrupt politicians, rotten judges liars, banksters addicts to the Bernanke's needles, policemen "cop-killers", murderers military,"omerta-journalists" and billionaires morons.
Poor crazy fascist masters and servants of the slavery bankocracy, victims of a murderer consumerist pathology.

In fact, band of morons ..... the young Antonio has learned to read. He remembers Lille. A next day he wrote that you were and who you are!

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